Will Boris Johnson be Prime Minister come Christmas 2022?

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I posted a poll on Twitter on Friday, asking the above question. This was the finding after 24 hours of polling:

I make no pretence that this is scientific: it clearly is not as those answering were first of all amongst those that my Tweets might reach, which is a biased sample (everyone's reach on Twitter is biased, so there is no value judgement implicit in that) and those voting were self-selected. I was, nonetheless struck by how fixed the 80:20 ratio was. Five votes delivered that outcome, and so too did 2,911.

I admit to some surprise that anyone thinks Johnson might be PM in a year. That's not because I think that the Tories will be out of power. I think that very unlikely. It is because with Labour polling at 40% or more the Red Wall seat MPs will be nervously eyeing the situations vacant columns right now and will do anything to stay at Westminster, including sacking Johnson.

I am not sure that there is much agreement on when Johnson will go. I doubt it will be before Christmas, simply because the mechanism is not there to achieve it with parliament in recess, but a loss of this week's by-election could definitely do for him very early in the New Year. If that is not the political death knell then NHS collapse could deliver the blow soon after. My guess is that by Easter he will have little to do but change nappies, although I bet he's never been near one.

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