Migration: you ain’t seen nothing yet

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This morning's short video has now been published. In it I argue that whatever our politicians say, migration is going to increase - because climate change guarantees it will.

You can view the video here.

The transcript is:

Migration has been a major issue in this general election.

Right throughout the campaign it's been raised by all the politicians of the major parties, plus Reform. And they're all entirely missing the point. Which is that migration is going to get very much worse, worldwide.

Why? Because of climate change.

Climate change is creating extreme heat, additional cold, flooding and drought.

It's not predictable.

That's the whole problem with climate change. We don't know what's going to happen.

But what we can guarantee, as a consequence of those conditions, is that people are going to move: move from vulnerable areas, like some parts of the Middle East, where water is already literally running out.

And they've got to have somewhere to go.

And that is the UK, like it or not, in the future. And that's not being discussed in this campaign, and it should be, because this is the humanitarian crisis of the 21st century.

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