A good start to the Economic Truths series

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Yesterday's first substantive post in the Economic Truths series seemed to meet expectations.

So far it has been viewed 15,300 times on YouTube, with most viewers watching it all the way through.

TikTok has seen it run away, with 95,000 views, with that number growing rapidly. The number viewing it all the way through is, however, lower there,

And less than four months after starting that TikTok channel we have hit 10,000 followers, which was our first target. The advantage of doing so is two fold. First, we get very small payments for views from now on. Second, TikTok promotes people with 10,000 followers a lot more as it is assumed that what they are saying is of interest. I am told growth is more rapid as a result.

I am not presuming that this series will be a success on the basis of one video, but it's a good start.

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