How much more money do pension funds need before they can do some investing?

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To continue my pension theme of the morning, I just posted this on Twitter:

The question is, I think, appropriate. After all, if the opportunities to invest in the UK economy already exist and you've got £6,445,000,000,000 available to you, don't you think you might already be undertaking all the worthwhile investments already available, with the money you're already got?

And if you aren't, isn't the right question for Rachel Reeves to ask, “Why aren't you doing what is required of you?”, rather than bung some more cash their way?

If pension funds can't invest almost £6.5 trillion for the benefit of the UK economy, what difference is forcing people to pay more to them going to make? Or will it be just more money down the pan whilst the City parties and the rest of the country wonder why they are trusting them with their future well-being?

So, why does Rachel Reeves trust these people when they have so obviously failed to do a good job to date?

I wish I knew the answer to that.

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