Will this government do anything different to prevent another pandemic killing hundreds of thousands?

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There was much, rightful discussion of the first publication from the Covid inquiry yesterday. There were also, however, too many claims made that the state had failed.

I made clear that I disagreed on Twitter:

The state did not fail, in my opinion. Ministers directed that the state should fail as a result of their own deliberate choices, and failings, in my opinion. That is something quite different.

Ministers could not, of course, have prevented Covid from happening. They could have fulfilled their most basic duty, to protect people, and they did not.

What, however, is most important is my question. What is going to be different now when the same philosophy and belief underpins this government as it did the last, which ideology let us down so badly? What is the point of this investigation if nothing changes? And has anything changed, or will it? That is what I want to know.

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