Crypto: the route to serfdom

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The Guardian has reported this morning that:

The co-founders of Silicon Valley's most prominent venture capital firm have announced their support for Donald Trump's bid for re-election, and plan to make substantial donations to back him further.

Ben Horowitz and Marc Andreessen, the heads of Andreessen Horowitz, commonly known as A16Z, revealed their plans in a sprawling 90-minute podcast, in which they argued that the future of “American innovation” required a Trump victory.

There is a reason for their support. They are massive supporters of crypto-currency. They have been funding candidates in other elections on the basis of their support for it. New VP nominee, J D Vance is a massive fan of crypto too. They are booming in supposed value because of his nomination.

So what is this about? Very clearly it is about breaking three things.

The first is the sovereignty of the state, which is dependent on its power to create legal tender.

Second is the power to tax, which is dependent on the ability to trace the use of that legal tender.

Third, it is to break the power of the state to regulate the economy by creating parallel currencies that it cannot control and so impose its will.

This, then,  is about ending the state as we know it.

The trouble, they have nothing to put in its place. They might think they are creating a route to freedom. They are actually creating a route to serfdom where we are all enslaved by forces beyond our control.

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