The Tories, ‘fully-costed’ plans and the back of fag packets

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The Tories have delivered their 'fully costed' manifesto. It is, like the Liberal Democrats' plan before it, far from an adequate explanation of what they intend to do in government. In fact, it's worse. This one was written on the back of a fag packet.

The funding is supposedly:

Those are random numbers picked to make their exercise balance. There is no way on earth anyone might believe them, even if I know I could deliver those tax savings - but only if more was spent on HMRC, which figure is not included in the plan. The social security savings are simply a measure of cruel heartlessness. I did check to make sure I could find no reference to workhouses in the manifesto, and could not, but the mentality is present throughout it.

Meanwhile, the savings are specified in absurd detail:

Does anyone really think that the Tories have worked out quango savings in. that detail?

Or that they know the precise cost of the exact 5,000 managers they are going to be rid of in the NHS, which is already under-managed, albeit that too many managers are working on the internal market and not in supporting healthcare?

Come to that, do they really know how to index the farming budget in that detail? I like their claim of clairvoyance, but I really do not believe it, so all of this is nonsense as well. The same can be said for most of it.

And then there is tax:

NI cuts give the most significant benefit to the well-off - so that number might be reasonably stated.

The plan for the self-employed is simply about encouraging lax labour standards and tax abuse - whilst the claim that the self-employed will get a credit for an old age pension based on not contributing makes a mockery of the whole system that is surely designed to pave the way for the abolition of the pension itself, as was discussed on Channel 4 News last night by an incredulous Krishan Guru-Murthy.

The rest is again very largely biased to the well-off. Of all the major flaws in the tax system, it seems that none will be tackled.

The Tories should have saved themselves some time, effort and embarrassment. This is not a plan. It does not add up. And most especially, the savings it suggests might happen are ridiculous and undeliverable.

If they are going to present documents like this they have to show their detailed workings. As it is, they are just opening themselves to ridicule for presenting documents that are so obviously meaningless and as far from a 'fully-costed' plan as it is possible to get.

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