Every budget is wrong. Politician’s estimates are even worse.

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This is my latest election-related video.

The video is available here.

The transcript is:

In this election, every politician is talking about their estimates of what's going to happen in the economy as if their estimate is true.

It isn't. Every single one of the numbers presented by every single one of our political parties is wrong. I can tell you that for sure.

I've been an accountant for over 40 years. I prepared a great many budgets. And I'll tell you, every single one of them was wrong as well.

That wasn't because I didn't do my best. I did. So might these politicians. But the fact is, of course, if you're looking at the future, you've got to make guesses and estimates. And the fact is, some of those might turn out to be false, through no fault of your own.

And that's true of these politicians. If they were more honest about their estimates, we might be more willing to believe them. It really is time that they were.

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