Why aren’t politicians talking about the joy of tax?

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I published this video this morning. In it, I ask why no politician wants to talk about the positive aspects of taxation during the election campaign. Are they wholly unaware of what they are?

The video can be viewed here.

The transcript is:

In this election apparently no politician wants to talk about tax. Well, at least about tax in a positive sense.

There's plenty of discussion about who's going to raise taxes as if this is some disaster for everyone.

Raising tax is not a disaster if it's raised on the right people and if the proceeds of the tax raised are used for social purpose, either to control inflation -  which is the primary purpose for raising tax in the UK - or to redistribute income and wealth from those who've got, well, plenty of it, towards those who haven't got much of it and need it to survive.

Tax Is the single most powerful instrument available to a government to shape the society for which they're responsible and which they wish to govern.

Why aren't we getting a positive discussion of tax in this election about what politicians want to do with it for our good? And yet none of them do. Do they understand why they actually want to be in office is the obvious question to raise.

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