Raptor action

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There is something staggeringly beautiful about the winter landscape and its colours. A day like we've had in East Anglia makes that all the more obvious - look at the colour of this sky in this photo taken on the banks of the river Cam at Kingfisher Bridge Bird Reserve this morning.

I think you'll just have to take my word for it: there is a kestrel in the picture. It was one of five raptors seen today. The others were marsh harriers, buzzards, a peregrine falcon and a sparrow hawk. There was much for them to feed on - although the last four might all have been keen on the 300 or so lapwing who were obvious targets.

What was weird was that there was almost no one was about - and it really was not that cold because there was almost no wind chill. A lot of people missed out on something really good.

I also took this. There is something magnificent about a dormant deciduous tree in winter waiting for spring to come again:

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