Hunt is not controlling the national debt: inflation is simply reducing its value

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There are two charts here, both addressing the issue of debt, with which both the Tories and Labour are wholly inappropriately obsessed (in my opinion).

The first suggests on various measures that the proportion of government debt to GDP is going to fall over the next few years.

The second suggests, however, that the the government is going to borrow in every year for the rest of the decade.

So, what does this mean? It means that inflation is writing down the value of old debt, which has a fixed value at the time it was issued meaning that it progressively becomes easier to repay as inflation makes the money to do so easier to find. So, the decline in the value of debt to GDP, which Hunt wants us to think is a government success story, is nothing of the sort. It is all down to continuing inflation, which was a government disaster story. The hypocrisy of politicians who think they can exploit economic ignorance knows no limits.

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