The Tories want tax cuts, but that’s just another slogan for them

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July tax receipts by HM Revenue & Customs weren't bad, so yesterday Tory MPs.were calling for tax cuts.

Of course they were. Whatever the situation, and wherever the news, Tory MPs call for tax cuts.

They do not call for tax cuts because they think they will stimulate the economy. After all, they accept the right of Bank of England to seek to destroy the economy, so that cannot be their reason.

Instead they always call for tax cuts because they hate the state. That hatred fuels their demand for cuts because their belief is that the state is funded by tax, so cutting tax must result in a smaller state, in their opinion. They reveal their total lack of understanding of government financing by thinking this, but ignorance has never been an impediment for them.

They are always careful not to say what services they wish to cut when making this demand, although that they must be doing so follows from their demand that the government's books must balance, although they have no idea why that should be the case (when it isn't).

They are also very careful not to point out the distributional consequences of their demands, which almost always benefit the best off most.

In total then, the Tories demanding tax cuts leave a very great deal unsaid. That suits them. They like simple demands, like ‘cut tax'.

But we don't live in a simple world.

And politicians should deal in grown up politics, with all their meanings face up on the table.

If politics of that sort was on offer the sham behind the Tory demand for tax cuts would be exposed because right now, because except for those on lower pay there is no case for tax cuts, and they would almost certainly be better served by benefit increases in most cases.

It would be so good to have that type of politics, where meanings and consequences were clear. But that would require politicians who knew what they were for and what they were doing.

I can dream, can't I?

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