Big business gets its Covid bonanza

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As the FT notes this morning:

Up to £30bn could be wiped from UK corporate pension scheme liabilities owing to one of the biggest falls in life expectancy in a decade, according to industry experts.

The latest modelling by actuaries saw life expectancy assumptions at retirement age fall 1.9 per cent, or six months, compared with the previous year's model.

The logic is simple, of course. If people live for less time then the cost of funding their pensions falls. This applies to both government and private pensions, but since only private sector pensions are funded the gain goes, of course, to the companies with defined benefit pension schemes who will now have to pay less and to those pension companies that have sold annuities that will now last for shorter periods.

No wonder the FT is reporting this. Covid is providing a bonanza to business at a literal cost to the lives of everyone that are now likely to be shorter than expected.

The market will see this as a gain. What a warped world we live in.

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