We were right about the police: now what is going to be done about it?

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The review of the Metropolitan Police by Lady Louise Casey, released today, was commissioned after the abduction, rape and murder of Sarah Everard in 2021.

The police reaction to protests about that murder, committed by a serving Met officer, led to brutal attacks on protestors by other Met police.

Many of us were horrified, yet again, by those who supposedly protect us.

Today's report says that the Met has institutional problems with racism, misogyny and homophobia.

I am not surprised. It seems like we have known this forever.

From personally witnessed experience helping a friend, I know the police have no interest in protecting women and are misogynists when it comes to complaints that they are failing to do so.

The trouble is that we have a Home Secretary who I think to be a racist. There is no gay person in Rishi Sunak's cabinet, and misogyny is rife in politics. I do not see all Tory women, let alone men, standing up against it either (and I stress, all because there are very obvious exceptions).

Will there be reform in that case? I would hope so but I am not an optimist.

But on this issue, I do think Labour would undoubtedly be better. I do not much like her economics, but Yvette Cooper would be a good Home Secretary.

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