Suppose it really is all too complicated?

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The Samsung Note 7 may be significant.

Sticking the batteries into them made sure the company could not update them when the batteries failed.

Being too smart by half overloaded the machine's capacity.

The result is a complete failure.

Of course we can say these are design faults. But suppose they are something else? Suppose they are a symptom of the fact that we may have reached the limited to complexity?

Suppose we are at the point where the evolution of technology may need to stop for three reasons. First, we don't use most of the technology we have anyway. Second, the technology can't sustainably work anymore. And third, as a result we're not going to risk using it.

I stress the 'suppose': I gather the iPhone 7 is selling so some people still want tech, but I will guarantee that most users (like me, as owner of a relatively cheap smart phone) use only a fraction of what their phone is supposedly capable of doing.

What happens when we all realise we can happily downgrade, as I did a while ago, without any loss to convenience, at all?

Of course you could say that's just a syndrome of a mature market (when getting off a tube yesterday I noticed all 12 people who did so we're carrying a phone in their hand at the time). But what if it's not just a mature market but technology itself that has matured, and we have realised that? That we will say no to driverless cars? And no to all that automation that will render so many of us redundant? That the human will strike back because although we might get grumpy and we might make mistakes we're still a lot more comprehensible and a bit less combustible than technology?

I think that possible.

What then?

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