What the Republicans are doing

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It's hard to get reliable information out of Washington right now, which is amazing in itself. But what I gather is that Republicans voted their own President's bail out plan for Wall Street out because they saw it as state aid because some assets would end up in state control. And they said they wanted to punish greedy bankers.

I believe they're daft enough to imperil the well-being of just about anyone for dogma on state ownership.

I do not believe for one minute they want to give state aid. They do. they have tabled a new Bill today. I gather form various comments that it has three components:

1) An insurance based, private sector product even though AIG, the largest ever insurer of this type of debt has just failed.

2) Tax loss carry backs for banks, giving them massive tax rebates heading back for at least five years, so directly rewarding those who created this crisis and steering small town America's taxes straight to the people they say they don't want it given to;

3) A package for remitting hedge fund profits back into the US tax free from tax havens.

So, in summary:

1) They're doing the exact opposite of what electors say they want;

2) They're doing the exact opposite of what they say they're doing

3) They're misusing state funds to reward bankers

4) They're encouraging deregulated offshore activity

5) They're actively seeking to increase the gap between rich and poor

6) They're doing nothing for the already and the soon to be dispossessed.

That's the American Right for you. Not one shred of ethics between them. Unless, of course, greed and exploitation are ethics in their book. They probably are.

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