Why did the Labour front bench all look so frightened?

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The Labour front bench looked so excited by the King's Speech.

Yesterday, Rachel Reeves apart, they looked frightened.

Reeves had practised her "I'm angry" look, and it came across as entirely fake. Even Jeremy Hunt got the better of her on her faux claims, rightly pointing out that she had access to the Treasury months before the election, as is entirely normal, and nothing was, as a result, news to her on the first day in her job.

The rest did not share Reeves' drama teacher, it seems, and they just looked scared witless by knowing that they were going to have to go out and defend the mess she was making. Two million pensioners who deserve and need the winter fuel allowance are not going to be easy to placate when the wealthy are not being asked to pay a penny more in tax.

The honeymoon is well and truly over for Labour. And this summer, they are going to have to face up to owning their own mistakes. With Reeves as Chancellor there are going to be a lot of them.

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