Is growth that is dependent on trashing the planet worth having?

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Yesterday's IT outage was serious and debilitating. It clearly had an effect on some readers of this blog because traffic was well down early in the day, but recovered later.

It has reinforced an already reached conclusion from the thinking, training and planning Thomas and I have been involved in (between other duties) this week. We have been looking at how to take video, audio and other production forward and the conclusion we have reached is that buying the latest or highest specified kit will not be necessary in all cases.

There are better cameras and lenses than we have. The same is true of microphones. But what we have is very good, and that is good enough. What is more, if we need a second camera (and we think we will, simply to extend recording times, if nothing else, because mirrorless cameras have a habit of overheating) then the second camera may not need to be as fully specced as the main one.

What has this to do with that outage?  It is simply that by pushing things to the limit they can more easily go wrong.

As we build ever more complex systems the likelihood of that grows.

There is an obsession amongst politicians and Silicon Valley for tech-led growth, which seems to be intimately related to far right thinking. But is that whole logic pushing us all in the wrong direction, and not just politically? Is growth that is undoubtedly dependent on trashing the planet worth having? Or is there something else that is ‘good enough' that would actually be much better for us?

It is a question worth asking.

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