Will Labour restore the right to protest?

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I posted this on Twitter yesterday:

Protestors seeking to draw attention to the desperate plight of our planet have been sent to prison for four to five years. And they were only planning a protest. They did not even cause disruption.

No one has been imprisoned for causing the global financial crisis.

No one is being imprisoned for polluting our rivers.

No one, so far, faces jail for the Post Office scandal.

And no one is being threatened with prosecution for permitting 230,000 deaths from Covid as a result of failed preparation.

Nor is anyone being threatened with prosecution for the mass pollution of our planet.

But for peaceful protest you can be described as a fanatic by a judge and be jailed for five years.

Is this the end of freedom of speech?

Is it just fascism in action?

Is it a sign of the madness of the end times of neoliberalism?

Or is it the state, captured by neoliberal interests, putting the right to make profit above human and democratic rights?

Maybe it is all those things.

And will Labour do anything about this? I very much doubt it. These judgements fit very nearly with their authoritarian views.

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