Labour could increase the minimum wages for non-standard working hours

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I have published this video this morning. In it I argue that vast numbers of people are paid the minimum wage, but it makes no allowance for out-of-hours working or weekend and night working. It really should, and Labour could deliver that change to improve the well-being of all who work in this way at very little cost to the government.

The audio version of this video is here:

The transcript is:

 This is another in the series of videos that I am making on the changes that Labour could make now that they are in office which would have very little cost to introduce, but could change the wellbeing of millions of people in the UK.

In this video, I suggest something that is very simple, very straightforward, but which would have a profound effect on a lot of people.

I think that the minimum wage should increase for everybody who works antisocial hours.

We all know that there's a minimum wage. Up to 20 per cent of all people in the country are paid that minimum wage for the work that they do. But it's the same minimum wage whether a person works from nine to five, or from four in the afternoon until midnight, or even right through the night.

There's no allowance for the fact that people do work antisocial hours, nor is there an allowance for the fact that some people work at weekends, which is generally considered to carry a premium in many situations. So why is that? Why is the minimum wage the same whatever work you do, whenever you do it?

I don't think that's fair. I think that the minimum wage should be higher if you work antisocial hours, and if you work at the weekend. Even if it's only by a pound an hour, that differential is important, and would compensate those who have to work in this way, particularly in sectors like retail and the hospitality industry.

But there are also plenty of others working shifts in factories, or who work in hospitals around the clock. Many of whom will still be on that minimum wage because they're working for outsource contractors.

Labour could make this change. It could make that big difference to the lives of all the people who are involved.

Come on Labour, let's do it. The cost will be tiny to you, but it will be of enormous benefit to the people who need that extra income.

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