Labour could introduce a 20mph speed limit in towns throughout England

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I have published this video this morning. In it I argue that Labour has already introduced a 20mph speed limit in Welsh towns. That's already working to reduce the severity of accidents, saving money and lives, and helping the environment. Labour could extend this to the whole of England at almost no cost to the government.

The audio version of this video is here:

The transcript is:

I'm making a series of videos on the changes to the rules that apply in this country that could benefit the lives of millions of people. I want to suggest one that Labour's already done in Wales. They have not done it in England, they have not done it in Scotland, and Labour now likes to claim that it has the power to operate in all three countries because it has a parliamentary majority in all of them. I should add the caveat. The SNP won't agree with that in Scotland.

But they could most certainly do what I'm about to talk about in England. It's entirely within their legislative power. And that is to introduce a 20 mile an hour speed limit in all urban zones throughout the whole of England. This, as I say, has already happened in Wales.

It's already cut the number of accidents in Wales significantly. In fact, I've seen reports that suggest the cost of repairing cars on insurance claims in Wales has already fallen, on average, by 20%, which is a saving that is going to be passed on through insurance premiums to motorists.

And just imagine, if cars are being damaged less as a consequence of there being lower speed impacts, how many people would have been protected by that? There will have been vast numbers of people who will have just suffered a bump, a bruise or a graze who were previously in intensive care. Or at least in A& E with broken bones.

There is a massive human gain as a consequence of having 20-mile-per-hour speed limits.

And I know the petrol-heads don't like it.

I know those in the bigger SUVs who want to show off don't like it. But every one of those SUVs is a threat to a child, because we know the threat of being hit by one of those at 30 miles per hour is, in the case of a child, near certain death.

So, I want to see this change, and I want to see the change to the environment that it will also give rise to because, almost certainly, this will benefit all of those with asthma as well.

It's a simple, it's a straightforward, it's a costless change with no downsides and vast numbers of upsides.

Come on Labour, let's do it.

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