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A week or so after the election, fatigue is beginning to hit. I am seeing that in blog traffic figures, and I am also feeling it. In addition, as Thomas and I discussed today, we think it is necessary to reduce our output for the next couple of weeks or so.

Not only do I have other significant work commitments, mainly with the Accounting Streams project, but Thomas is also picking up some other work making videos and requires some time to spend on development issues related to them.

In combination, that means that we have fewer resources available right now for blogging at a time when most people are likely to be looking to take a break anyway.

As a result, there may be a few videos coming out in the next week or two whilst we take time on other projects, and also to do some training. In the space of three months, we have come a very long way in our video making, and overall, I'm quite pleased with where we have got to, but there are still issues with regard to microphones that we need to perfect, and issues around editing that we want to improve. We are also quite keen to include a second camera in the video-making process because transitions are easier to manage if one is used. We also want to become better at taking the camera out and about. We have tried this but have not, as yet, perfected sound to the extent that we want to do when doing so. All of these issues will take time to look at.

I trust that you will bear with us.

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