This dismal election campaign will soon be over

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This is the last day of the election campaign.

Tomorrow we vote. My only recommendation is that you do so.

On Friday, unless something extraordinary happens, we will have a new prime minister and government, and five years of Labour Party rule to face.

Simultaneously, the most commonly asked political question that day will be what does an ex-Tory MP do? There will, after all, be almost nothing more to say about Labour than there has been for a long time, which is very little.

There will also be remarkably little to celebrate, unless, perhaps, the Tories really do as badly as some polls predict. This country would be well rid of them, their corrupt politics, their racism, gerrymandering, and failed ideology, forever. Maybe, just maybe, the end of their road might be in sight on Friday. Anything less than 100 seats and that is likely.

If Reform fail to get more than a seat or two that would also be good.

Locally, I will be delighted if my vote helps secure the political demise of Lucy Fraser. A dismal MP, and even worse minister, seeing her lose would definitely be good news as far as I am concerned .

The trouble is, to achieve this goal I will vote LibDem, and like millions of people in this country tomorrow, I will do so not out of conviction but because, pragmatically, I wish to be rid of the current MP and all that she stands for.

What is worth recalling this week (and further the next five years) is that even if Keir Starmer gets a landslide victory, he is likely to secure less support in this election than Jeremy Corbyn managed in his campaigns.

Starmer will also enter Downing Street as the least popular new prime minister ever.

It could, quite reasonably be argued that he will take office without a mandate, so weak is the support for him, his party, and its very apparent desire to do almost nothing for the people of this country.

In that context, it is worth noting that during the campaign it has been obvious that the only parties with real ideas have been the nationalist in Scotland and Wales, the Greens in England and Wales, and maybe (and I emphasise that word) the LibDems, who have at least been more honest than the Tories and Labour, although that is setting a very low bar.

The good news is that there are political ideas on the agenda from smaller parties. In the right place I would undoubtedly support them, making clear that choice would be locationally determined.

The bad news is the majority of the population who choose to vote will still put their cross against the name of a party intent on harming the well-being of the people of this country whilst almost wholly ignoring the need to tackle global heating.

That said, the proportion doing so is likely to be the smallest ever . Some hope has to be taken from that.

One other encouraging outcome of this dismal campaign is that it is likely that every single political party in Parliament will, after this election, believe in proportional representation. If the Tory result is as badly as I expect, their conversion to the cause is almost inevitable. And we should not forget that the Labour Party's membership overwhelmingly passed a resolution in favour of PR at a recent conference. It is only the party leadership, and Keir Starmer in particular, who held out against it.

Perversely, Keir Starmer will become Prime Minister as the ultimate anti-democrat, and the person most profoundly dedicated to governing contrary to the will of the people of this country.

On that depressing thought, the speculation is coming to an end. The opposition to the dire consequences of the neoliberal domination of UK politics that has harmed the people of the four nations that make up that existing country, and which has shackled them to it, has not though. That will go on.

Labour will offer something very little different to that which the Tories did. Things will not get better as a result. But they could, and that will remain the aim.

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