The world’s wealth is eagerly anticipating the return of Trump

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Investment advisers De Vere Group emailed me this morning to highlight the thoughts of their CEO, Nigel Green, on the Trump v. Biden debate.

They said:

Financial markets assess Donald Trump was the victor in the first US presidential debate against Joe Biden on Thursday and investors are “already busy” re-evaluating their portfolios to align with the anticipated economic policies that a Trump administration might pursue.

​They added:

The deVere CEO cites four key factors driving this investor sentiment.

“First, investors anticipate that a Trump presidency would bring about lower corporate taxes. This would enhance corporate profitability, leading to increased stock valuations and greater investor returns.

“Second, Trump's previous term was marked by significant deregulation efforts, which are expected to continue. This would reduce compliance costs for businesses, allowing for greater innovation and expansion.

“Third, while tougher trade relations with China might introduce short-term volatility, it's hoped by many traders that it will lead to stronger domestic industries and a more resilient US economy.

“And fourth, anticipated fiscal policies could drive bond yields higher, providing attractive opportunities for fixed-income investors.”

In other words, it would seem that the world's wealthy are rubbing their hands in delight at the prospect of the election of a convicted felon, a rapist, a fascist and an outright opponent of democracy who clearly wishes to dismantle the US Constitution.

I am struggling to find another interpretation for these enthusiastic comments.

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