For the sake of the world, the Democrats need to get rid of Biden now

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I have a friend who is in her early 80s. She has dementia. She does, as is almost always the way, deny it, only now she has a diagnosis after an MRI scan. It is not deniable any more, except by her.

I thought of that friend when reviewing last night's US Presidential debate, which, by all accounts, was dire, but worse for Biden than Trump.

Trump is an outright fascist. He does not need to be in touch with reality to peddle the untruths that drive his campaign and which will most likely end democracy in the USA and threaten the same around the world.

Biden does need to be competent to beat Trump. The trouble is, he is not. Whatever he might once have been, he is no longer. He is an old man, seemingly losing some of his mental faculties. As will be true of us all one day, if we are lucky enough to reach real old age, he has to face the reality that he is facing the end of his days and can no longer do what once he did.

The trouble for the world is that Biden has not faced that reality. He still thinks he can be President of the USA and serve a full second term. The evidence to the contrary is all too obvious.

The Democrats' duty in the USA is the same as that which my friend's daughters now have, and that is to remove the means for her to do harm. In my friend's case, that means that the car keys have to be taken away. In Biden's case, that means he has to be replaced as Democrat candidate for President. In both cases, there is no choice. The well-being of others requires it.

Unless Biden goes, we face a fascist USA. No one can risk that, and Biden cannot stop it. For the sake of the world, the Democrats need to act now.

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