Bank base rates should be no more than 3% by now

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This morning's short video has now been published. In it, I argue that it is an economic scandal in the making that Bank of England base interest rates are not tumbling right now.

You can view the video here.

The transcript is:

The Bank of England's base rate should have been cut to no more than 3 per cent by now and on a downward trajectory, but it isn't. It's at 5. 25 per cent and at the same time we've learned that inflation is at 2 per cent, which is on target.

In May 2021 we were on inflation target at 2 per cent but the bank base rate was 0.1%. Now we have bank base rate of 5. 25 per cent and inflation of 2%. This makes no sense at all.

And if Labour wants to see any growth in the economy, those bank base rates have to tumble incredibly quickly for that to happen.

I hope it does, because we're all being penalised by Bank of England base rates, which are at an unnecessarily and inappropriate high level.

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