State funding now please for the arts

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This morning's short video has now been published. In it I argue that Labour has had a long history of funding the arts. Now we squabble over commercial sponsorship of it. It's time we realised that state funding of the arts is vital to our well-being.

You can view the video here.

The transcript is:

The state should be funding the arts in the UK.

There have been debates this summer about which organisations should or should not be funding and sponsoring major literary and other events. But I think that's the wrong argument to have.

Clement Attlee set up the Arts Council in 1945 in the UK. Why? Because he wanted everyone to have access to the arts.

Harold Wilson created the National Theatre.

Tony Blair, the Tate Modern. And he increased the funding for the arts in general.

And that's what we should be doing.

Everyone should have access to the arts. Because art done properly lets us see the world in a different way.

And that's what we need to do, if we are all to make progress in our lives and understand the complexity of the world we live in. The state should be funding that for everyone, whatever the medium is throughout the UK.

Let's stop the arguments.

State funding now, please, for the arts.

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