The Scottish election: my conclusion after talking to all three pro-independence parties

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This was the third of the interviews I undertook on behalf of The National newspaper of the Scottish political parties' economic spokespeople. In it, I discuss the economic policies of Alba with its former MP, Neale Hanvey:

For reasons all of its very own the YouTube will not embed here and so please follow this link to watch the video.

I also wrote a column for the National yesterday summarising my feelings on these three interviews I have done (all available on this blog, this week). I concluded:

Where does this leave readers? Alba and the Greens are not going to win seats in this election. The SNP undoubtedly will. They are going to be a vital part of the parliamentary opposition to a massive Labour majority in the next Westminster parliament. Voting for them is essential, but I cannot help but say that if I could do so I would whilst simultaneously wishing they were much more convincing when it comes to economics, and other issues.

I suspect I am not alone.

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