All of life is politics

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In this morning's short video, I suggest that any politician who says ‘let's take the politics out of this' actually means ‘let's bring the market in because we don't want to address this problem'. In that case, tell them that all of life is politics and if they don't agree they should get another job.

You can view the video here.

The transcript is as follows.

All of life is politics.

It annoys me intensely when politicians say “let's take the politics out of this”, whether that's the health service, or education, or social care, or whatever else.

Social care is particularly relevant at present because Wes Streeting saying we should take the politics out of that.

What they actually mean is “let's put the market into this and let's take the politicians out of it”.


No to anybody else who says such things.

All of life is politics because politics is about power relationships. And if social care isn't about power relationships, what the heck is it about?

Let's make life more political, not less.

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