I beg to differ: Labour is offering a disaster to this country 

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The Guardian carries a letter this morning from a range of economists, many of whom I have crossed swords with, supporting Labour's economic policy.

That Simon Wren-Lewis, Joe Stiglitz  and Tony Yates, plus former deputy governor of the Bank of England Charlie Bean, might do so is no surprise. They are establishment economists supporting a party offering decidedly establishment policy, with which I am in significant disagreement. They might wish to cooperate with a potential government with a significant majority simply because it will have power. I am not.

I was much more surprised to find Marianna Mazzucato on the list. Labour's policies appear far from those that she has proposed.

And why Danny Blanchflower is there, I do not know. I tweeted this in response to that:

I will not be compromising on my belief that Labour is offering a disaster to this country.

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