Why is no politician talking about interest rates in this election campaign?

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I published this short video this morning:

The video can be viewed here.

The transcript is:

Why is no politician talking about interest rates at this election?

They should be. They matter to so many UK households.

Everyone who pays a mortgage.

Everyone who's got a car loan.

People who pay rent because interest rates are closely related to rent demands, which have been going up heavily as interest rates have risen.

And yet, you would think that this is a matter of no concern at all to our politicians because there's a conspiracy of silence between them, not to mention them. And that's because, by implication, they're all saying, “This is beyond our control. This is in the domain of the Bank of England. They set interest rates. Nothing to do with us, Governor” -  literally referring to the Governor of the Bank of England -  “Therefore, we can't comment.”

And that's nonsense. Because the Bank of England Act 1998 gives them the power to intervene on interest rates, if they so wish. They can overrule the Bank of England whenever they want.

So why are none of them saying they will, for your sake and for the sake of everybody else who borrows money in the UK?

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