Do not ask me to stand aside and watch those planning to fail this country seek power

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I am bored with the accusation that those from the left criticising Labour do not understand or appreciate that if Labour is to beat the Tories it has to go to where the country is, which is apparently in Tory territory.

First, I do not think the country is in Tory territory. If it was, they would not have done so disastrously or have their worst ever poll ratings. Do I really need to explain to anyone what total failures they are?

Second, I do not accept the other implication claim that Labour has also to appeal to those for whom Reform has appeal. This, for the record, is largely those on lower incomes and with lower educational attainments. They are not moving to Reform for positive reasons. They are doing so precisely because Starmer's Labour has ceased to say anything to them in its pursuit of the supposed ‘wealth creators' who have always prospered as a result of exploitation, including of others. Reform may be selling these people total untruths (I think they are) but when Labour has ceased to represent you then of course you will listen to anyone who will.

In combination these two factors suggest why so many now think Labour is LINO - Labour in name only. To win it has very obviously thought it needed to reinvent itself as a vaguely competent looking Tory Party in the hopeless and unprincipled (in the sense of clueless, and conviction-free) style of David Cameron, and that is exactly what it has done.

I would not have voted for David Cameron, so why on earth should I consider doing so for Keir Starmer?

But the issue goes deeper than this abandonment by Labour of quite literally all it stood for, symbolised by the word inequality appearing just once in its manifesto.

The fact that Labour is - by adopting the Tory's fiscal rule and financial forecasts - promising to continue with austerity is enough to make me criticise them.

Then they have abandoned all pretence at being concerned about climate change. Even Great British Energy is no such thing. It will just be a rather lame private equity fund, as is yet another sop to the City of London, giving them yet more state funds to call upon to promote their private gains.

What that symbolises is Labour's intention to instead predicate everything on growth, which has not happened in any meaningful way since 2016 and which they intend to do nothing to encourage. Their economics on this is illiterate.

Worse than that, their policies are decidedly anti-growth. Take just these four:

- A refusal to reconsider Brexit
- Continuing support for Bank of England independence, and so ruinous interest rates
- The refusal to recognise the importance of migration to this country
- Their desperate denial of free movement of people.

Of course we cannot grow.

Then there is the refusal to consider the needs of this country. It will not:

- Relieve child poverty
- Redistribute income and wealth
- Bring the Bank of England under control to end the tyranny of mortgage and rent rises
- Pay public employees what they are worth
- Invest in education, healthcare, social care and so much more, all of which are collapsing
- Protect the borders of this country from flooding.

Setting out to fail has never been an election pitch, in my opinion. Quite deliberately, that is what Labour is seeking to do.

And by doing so it is a gatekeeper for a far-right government in this country, because that is where people will go when Starmer proves he is no more competent than the last five Tory prime ministers, and may be worse, because at least they tried and he is not even going to do that.

So, do not ask me to stand aside and watch those planning to fail this country seek power without my offering comment. That I will not do.

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