Show us your workings

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I have posted this short video this morning. In it, I argue that all our political parties are selling us shorty by claiming that they are supplying 'fully-costed' manifestos at this election, and so far, none of them have even come close to doing so. In that case "show us your workings" is a reasonable demand to make.

The video can be viewed here.

The transcript is:

All the political parties are claiming that they are presenting ‘fully-costed' manifestos at the upcoming general election.

No, they're not. That's nonsense. I've looked at some of the manifestos that have already been offered, and they're offering some workings, but without any explanation as to how they come to some amazingly large numbers.

For example, the Liberal Democrats have a figure for £7. 2 billion that they're going to recover from tackling tax avoidance and tax evasion. Now I don't dispute that that is possible, particularly if, as they say, they're going to spend £1 billion extra on staffing at HM Revenue and Customs. But I still don't know how they got to the number because they don't show their workings.

I'm sure that everybody watching this video did at some time suffer a maths lesson where a teacher said to them “show your workings” because that's the way you'll get the marks, and that's true of our political parties.

Unless they show their workings, their costings are meaningless.

So, give us your workings.

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