Daily reach

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I had an email recently in which the author suggested I try to extend my social media reach. This made me wonder what that was.

Based on data for the last four weeks, this is this blog's / my social media reach:

Figures with a * beside them are very accurate. Those without a star are best estimates based on observed read data that has not been easily accessible on an aggregate basis.

We are cracking both YouTube and TikTok in a way we have not before. Both figures would have been tiny or non-existent two months ago.

Instagram has, so far, gone nowhere.

LinkedIn is relatively new and is going surprisingly well.

Facebook has always been a bit of an afterthought, where I have posted but without much engagement.

And Twitter remains way out in front, although it tends to be freestanding posts unrelated to the blog that do best. The figure given is for those who have stayed over my posts for long enough to have read them.

Of course, nothing guarantees that people have read all of a post, and nothing guarantees that people agree with them. Hiwver, we know that on YouTube around 70% of people listen to a whole video. It is lower on TikTok, which is why we do the short videos for that audience that has a lower attention span. But that reach is still worth having, and the growth for videos is very encouraging and is rapid now, especially on TikTok, after a relatively slow start.

I admit to being pleased with that data, and I hope it answers the question raised about 'reach'.

To put this in context, the Guardian only sells about 130,000 newspapers a day. It does, of course, do much more on line.

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