The neoliberal show is out of road

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The Office for National Statistics has posted this tweet this morning, which says all that needs to be known about the new GDP data, out this morning:

GDP is stagnant, again.

No wonder we have opinion polls like this, published yesterday:

Nor is it a surprise that we get a prediction for seats won like this:

If you are a neoliberal party - and the Tories are - then growth is your goal. That, and upward redistribution of wealth,  is all there is to their politics at the end of the day. And they have failed to deliver.

And that is not just now. As the FT notes this morning:

Brexit has destroyed growth in the UK. If that is the aim, it has proved impossible to deliver post 2016.

The consequences are socially clear. As the same FT article notes, associated penal policies are having a big, negative, impact:

So, we face a crisis.

And we have a Labour Party that says that not changing anything is good (because what else does 'stability is change' mean?). And they have said all progress in public services is dependent on growth in which it is very obvious they will be refusing to invest.

The possibility that neoliberalism has run its course is not being discussed, but I think this election might be its last laugh. Next time, the alternative of another party offering yet more failure is not going to be viable or tenable. And there is no way that Labour can succeed based on its plans. The neoliberal show is out of road.

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