Summer evening

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I should be talking about the demise of the Conservative Party as we have known it this morning. Everyone else is.

I could be watching some hopeless party spokesperson wittering on about the poverty of their political offer on the morning's politics shows.

Or, I could be looking at some images taken last night during an evening walk at the Kingfisher Bridge Nature Reserve and its immediate environs.

There were three of us on the walk, me, my son Thomas who is working with me on the video project and my wife.

Thomas was using a Sont RX10 camera with a lens of up to 600mm. I was using the Sony A7iv we are now using to make videos - because learning about it is a key part of that project. I had a maximum focal length of 70mm.

Thomas went for birds in the evening light. This is a chiff-chaff:

A kestrel was looking for its last meal of the day:

A little egret was heading to its roost - which is not on this site.

He also filmed this footage of cows on the banks of the River Cam in ate evening light from a drone:

I can't work out what the use of a drone is for our work as yet - so this is definitely his. He may persuade me.

Meanwhile, I went for plantlife:

And this cow parsley (and I am pushing my luck on enlargement here, and don't care, because this supposed weed is stunning):

At the end of the evening, there was this shot asking to be taken:

It was a beautiful evening, made better by the cafe being open until late.

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