No one’s best interests are served by Labour having a large majority after 4 July

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My short video post for this morning addresses a key issue in this election, which is that absolutely no one's best interests are served by Labour having a large majority after 4 July, including Labour itself.

The video can be viewed here.

The transcript is:

Labour does not need a big majority in the upcoming general election.

Why? Because big majorities lead to bad government.

That's particularly true if, as some polls are suggesting, Labour might be facing an opposition with fewer than 100 seats in any one party.

That's bad for Labour, because nobody is holding it to account.

And it's bad for Labour, because there will be vast numbers of disaffected backbenchers within its ranks who will be causing trouble.

And it's bad for all the rest of us, because Labour won't bother to listen.

Yes, Labour might win this election, and a lot of people want that to happen, but critically, we do not need it to have a majority of 150 or more, because that is not going to help us with anything.

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