How many former Tory MPs might defect to Reform today?

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In one of three videos this morning, I speculate on a rumoured split in the Tories that may become apparent this afternoon.

Today is the last day when people can be nominated as candidates in the general election. Rumour has it that some right-wing Tory MPs will quit the party this afternoon and become Reform candidates, leaving the Tories no time to replace them. Could a perverse coup of this sort be on the cards today?

The audio version is here:

The transcript is:

How many Tory MPs are going to quit the Conservatives today? That is the biggest question that we want an answer to at this moment.

Why do I ask? Because today is the final day when candidates can be selected for the forthcoming general election. At four o'clock this afternoon, the candidate nominations are closed and there's a widespread feeling that some Tories will quit the Conservatives this afternoon and join Reform, giving Conservative Central Office no chance to replace them and therefore giving them a free run as Reform candidates in the forthcoming general election to get a seat in Parliament.

Is that likely? Yes, I think it is.

Is it going to happen? I don't know.

If it was, would it be underhand? Most definitely.

Do I believe that ex-Tories, might be underhand? Absolutely I do.

Is this, therefore, something to look out for during the course of today? Yes, because these members, who absolutely have nothing in common with the Conservative Party of old, and everything to do with the far-right Reform Party, which I think it now is, may just play a very sneaky hand during the course of today, and deny the Conservatives the chance to retain some safe seats.

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