Why are English political parties so desperate to hang on to Scotland?

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This is my YouTube short video this morning:

The link is here.

This is the transcript:

There are three English parties in the general election on July the 4th. They are Labour, the Conservatives and the Lib Dems.

They've all got representation in Scotland, and two of them have representation in Wales. The Lib Dems don't.

But they all have one thing in common. It seems that they are desperate to hang on to control of Scotland and Wales from London. And that's getting worse in the case of each of them.

Why is that? Why do they think they should control what happens in these other countries - because that is what they are - as if only opinion in England matters?

I don't share the view that that should be the case. I think that the case for Scottish and Welsh independence is made.

But what do you think? Are you desperate to colonise Scotland and Wales still? Or should they have their own voice, their own parliament, and be their own countries?

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