What will Starmer do with power?

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This is this morning's YouTube short video:

The transcript is:

An opinion poll published in the Daily Mail recently suggested that the Tories could have just 66 MPs in the next Parliament.

Now, frankly, I'm not really convinced that's going to happen. I think the poll was probably a little unreliable, but it's clear the Tories are going to be severely reduced in numbers.

What happens to the Conservative Party in that case?

What happens to democracy in that case?

What happens when we don't have an effective opposition, or one that is made up of a few quite small parties in parliament, none of whom are willing to talk to each other?

Where will UK democracy go if Keir Starmer gets a massive majority on July the 4th? I don't know. I'm worried about it. What will he do with that considerable power he's got? Will he use it wisely? Or will he need people to hold him to account? And who will that be?

It's a question you need to ask.

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