Farage: a product of the UK media’s populists

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Nigel Farage's announcement that he is to stand as the Reform Party candidate for Clacton-on-Sea and simultaneously become the leader of that party, replacing Richard Tice in that role, is symbolic of so much that is wrong with politics in the UK.

Firstly, Reform is a private limited company controlled by Farage, and unaccountable as a consequence.

Secondly, press reports suggest that the company is 80% funded by Richard Tice, indicating the extreme power that wealth has to influence outcomes in UK general elections.

Thirdly, Farage would have nothing like the power he has unless the BBC thought it necessary, in the interest of so-called balance, to so frequently platform far-right parties and organisations in this country.

Fourthly, the bias within the BBC itself is exposed when a party with both more MPs and vastly more councillors than Reform is largely ignored by it. I am, of course, referring to the Green Party.

Fifthly, the best election result in Clacton will be that Farage suffers his eighth election defeat, thwarting once again his ambition to be an MP. However, he has chosen his seat with care. This is where Douglas Carswell did, briefly, enjoy success as a UKIP candidate. It also typifies quite a number of areas of deprivation in East Anglia and Lincolnshire where it seems as though far-right led sentiment about migration provides Reform with an opportunity to generate support.

Put all this together, and Farage appears to be little more than a manipulative exploiter of those willing to provide him with patronage in pursuit of his political goals that are intended to create and exploit division in this country. In the process, he sustains his overinflated ego by securing media appearances that to his supporters, at least, provide evidence of his significance.

To the rest of us, Farage's presence in this election makes it clear that populists are more prevalent in this country than is good for the well-being of a great many people with it.

Additionally, media support for Farage - including the blatant support of Farage by GB News that Ofcom has been ignoring - indicates just how readily our media create a far-right agenda for this country which the BBC far too obediently replicates in its programming.

Add these factors together, and it is clear that we have a political system that is far from fit for purpose.

That said, the greatest worry is that Labour appear to have no concerns about this, or intentions to make any change.

Troublingly, as it stands, it would seem that things can only get worse.

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