Wes Streeting seems to hate the NHS

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This is my YouTube short this morning:

The transcript is:

Wes Streeting seems to hate the NHS.

He's written an article for the Sunday Times saying we shouldn't worship it.

The people who work for it, all appear to be, well, mass murderers according to him.

Its managers are thugs and bullies, apparently.

And he wants us to prepare for a future where it's totally different.

What could that future be?

I am quite sure that what Wes Streeting is saying is that we should all anticipate a privatised NHS. After all, why else is he accepting donations from so many private health companies to support his campaign?

I think West Streeting is wrong. I believe in the NHS. I believe that 99.9 percent of the people who work for it are good, honest and dedicated people.

I believe that most of its managers are competent.

So, I think he's barking up the wrong tree and I believe we should all have and all believe in a state owned NHS.

If you do, please ask your candidates about this issue because it's vital to our well-being in the future.

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