Starmer has now made it clear: he intends to govern on behalf of the rich

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Keir Starmer's descent into the cesspit of right wing economics is continuing. The Guardian has reported that:

Keir Starmer has said he will lead from the centre ground if elected prime minister and declared wealth creation to be his “number one mission”.

His claim that supported this suggestion was that:

As a nation, broadly speaking we're a pretty reasonable, tolerant bunch but we are in the centre ground of politics. People don't like the extremes of the right or the left. They are reasonably tolerant. They want themselves, their families and the country to improve and make progress.

Apparently, this requires that he expel left wing members of his party and move a long way to the political right. And, as they also reported:

Starmer said the ‘“only way our country can go forward” was if people and businesses make money.

His justification was:

I think it's a good thing that people are aspirational. When I say our number one mission is economic growth, you could say our number one mission is wealth creation. Now that's an odd thing for the Labour party to say. It might have been in the past.

As a consequence they note he added when asked whether he was relaxed about people making money:

Very. I'm not just relaxed, I'm relaxed as well as being doggedly determined.

Let's ignore the shades of Peter Mandelson in that comment, who was very relaxed about people getting filthy rich. Let's instead note what is implicit in Starmer's claim.

First, a belief in equality has disappeared. Not everyone can be rich. Starmer is now putting himself on the side of the few.

Second there is a tolerance of inequality. That is the corollary of his claim.

Third, there is an acceptance of the exploitation of some by others that getting rich invariably involves.

Fourth, the use of the words ‘making money', when referring to people and business, is just straightforwardly wrong, and deeply telling.

Businesses do not make money. Only government, and the banks it licences, can make money. Everyone else uses it.

Businesses make profit. Most actual profit, i.e. reward in excess of effort expended, in the modern economy comes from exploitation, whether of natural resources, monopoly power, rents or the exploitation of people, many of whom will require state subsidy to simply make their lives possible as a result. It would seem Starmer either does not know this, or is intensely comfortable with his ignorance, or is in denial of reality.

Fifth, what he is endorsing, at best, is an expansion of the trickle down economics so beloved of the far-right so-called think tanks that have done so much to destroy the well-being of this country.

The role of the state, the public servant, the teacher, the health care worker, the charity worker, the person dedicated to community and not profit and so many others who add extraordinary value to our lives without ever having a profit motive is ignored.

So too, come to that, is the role of the employee who just wants fair reward for their effort.

Even the vast majority of the self employed, who are artisan workers of varying sorts and not profit makers as such, because their reward is for effort, not entrepreneurial risk taking, are also cast aside by this definition of “the way forward”.

That definition does, in fact, seem to have been forged over canapés in his numerous meetings with business executives in the City of London, not one of whom is entrepreneurial as they are all obsessed of exceedingly good pay packets, bonus schemes and pension arrangements that suggest that risk taking is the last thing on their minds. Their aspiration is only to gain at the expense of others, and it is amongst this crowd that Starmer is pitching his supposed middle ground.

On one thing alone Starmer is right. This is a very off thing for a Labour leader to say. Labour has never been on the side of the:

  • exploiter
  • manipulator
  • wealthy
  • City of London
  • wheeler dealer
  • spiv.

Now, however, it apparently is. In fact, not only is it on their side, but thinks that all the rest of us are beholden to them for any crumb that they might happen to let fall from their table.

I thought Labour had been corrupted, but even then I did not know by how much. Now I know that it is a party solely dedicated to the well-being of the rich. Having another such government in office will be disastrous.

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