Do we really need to learn trigonometry?

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This is my YouTube short of the day - based on my frustration that schools teach maths that is irrelevant to 99.8% of the population and ignore budgeting and tax:

The transcript is:

Do we really need to learn trigonometry at school?

It's a question I've been asking since I was about 17 when I was asked to calculate the surface area of a slice through a cone.

Why did I need to know how to do it then?

No idea.

Have I ever used it since?


Was I taught about anything useful, like how to calculate VAT?


Did I ever get taught about how to calculate my tax affairs?


Was I ever taught how to do lots of other really useful things in life, like a percentage markup on a product which I was going to sell?


I was taught useless trigonometry.

Are we being taught the right maths in schools?

Ask your politicians at this election because I bet most of you have got a story similar to mine.

You didn't learn what you needed to know. You did learn what you didn't need to know.

Maths is failing us if it teaches us nonsense that we're never going to use.

Make it an election issue.

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