Keir Starmer comes across as untruthful, a procrastinator and a man without a shred of principle. But at least we now know that.

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There was always some hope that during this election campaign Keir Starmer might reveal what he really believed so that we might understand what a Labour government with him as leader might look like before we were expected to vote for it.

The good news is that we now know.

The bad news is that what we now know is that his priority is bullying anyone who disagrees with him, most especially if they are a woman of colour who might have something considerably more useful to say on racism than his Zionist worldview permits. If they also happen to think Labour should be left of centre, heaven help them.

As a result we now know that he is apparently unworried about appearing to be an aggressor, a misogynist, possibly racist, and most certainly as committed to eliminating the left as Hayek ever seemed to be. He may think himself otherwise, but that's how he comes across.

Those things are perceptions, I admit. But what we also know is he, and many others, lied about the conclusion of the investigation into Diane Abbott. It concluded many months ago, and that was denied.

As bad, he pretends he cannot decide, as he has repeatedly done on this matter, suggesting issues were still open when they were not.

Alternatively, he claims that he does not have the responsibility to decide when that seems very obviously untrue.

So, he comes across as untruthful, a procrastinator and a man without a shred of principle.

At least we now know that.

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