Is there too much testing in schools?

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This is my YouTube short this morning:

My suggestion is that everyone thinks that there is too much testing in schools, at cost to the quality of education that schools can and do provide. I suggest it is time to let our politicians know.

The transcript is:

Everyone thinks that there is too much testing in schools these days.

Children are tested when they arrive in schools.

Again at 7.

Again at 11.

Again at 14.

Again at 16.

And finally at 18.

When they're allowed to leave, they might have yet more tests.

Does that make sense?

Do we need that much testing?

Will children develop without it?

Might they even learn better and more useful skills than how to pass tests, which, once they reach the age of 18, they might never need again?

I believe we need to focus on education, not testing, and if you agree, ask your politicians about it during this election campaign.

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