The NHS is being dumbed down

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This is my YouTube short this morning:

You can watch it here.

The transcript is:

The NHS is being dumbed down.

What I mean is that people who are fully qualified in some areas, like paramedics, are seeing people in surgeries. GP surgeries where they're not fully qualified and physician associates who can do some tasks in hospitals are doing quite inappropriate things, like surgery.

This is a potential disaster in the making because if you are seen by or treated by a person who is not fully aware of all the issues that might arise as a consequence of the complaint you present with, they could miss your symptoms, they could misdiagnose you, they could as a consequence leave you with major health issues in the future.

This is a problem that should not exist.

It's the consequence of austerity.

And it's not fair to the people in the NHS who are doing this, and it's not fair to you.

Ask your politicians about it.

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