Should I vote in in this election?

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This is my latest YouTube short on the election - answering the question that I am asked ost often of all right now, which is should I vote at all given how bad the available choices are?

These short videos do not embed here. You can watch it here.

The transcript is:

Should you vote in this election?

People keep asking me, should I vote in the general election on 4th July? And my answer is, yes, please do vote.

We live in something that calls itself a democracy.

We know it's a rubbish democracy.

We know that we need proportional representation.

We know that we are being offered appalling choices by the Conservatives and Labour - basically offering us the same deal.

But, and this is the key point, you can vote for somebody else, or you can spoil your ballot paper, and by doing so, you will be saying, “I don't accept the power of a structure that both the Tories and Labour want to perpetuate, which is denying us real choice.”

Please, therefore, take part. Have your voice for whichever party you want, or to spoil your paper. But, whatever it is, turn up, vote and make a shout-out for democracy

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