Can Keir Starmer be trusted?

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This video comes from an interview between Beth Rigby of Sky News and Keir Starmer yesterday, posted by them to YouTube:

Beth Rigby does three things.

She asks Starmer if he can be trusted.

She then demonstrates that by abandoning all the pledges he made to become Labour leader he cannot be.

She then treats with disdain Starmer's claim that almost nothing has changed.

And she was absolutely right to do so. Starmer has u-turned on all his promises to deliver a package that is shockingly, and one has to presume, deliberately mundane, as if the death of democratic politics by suffocating it with indifference might be his aim.

Nor was Beth Rigby alone in doing this. Robert Peston was appropriately challenging for ITV. I did not see Chris Mason fur the BBC, because who cares what he asks?

Beth Rigby's very obvious conclusion, that Starmer is not trustworthy, is right.

Our democracy is in a terrible place.

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