The video project

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The last couple of days have begun to suggest that the video project that we only began this month might prove to be successful.

Whilst we are well aware that getting videos right is not easy, and nor is choosing titles, the subject and the promotional commentary that support videos, those that we published on Sunday and Monday have now had significant numbers of views, and have attracted useful subscribers to both the YouTube and TikTok channels.

Sunday's video has been watched more than 7,000 Times on YouTube, and 5,600 times on TikTok. Despite being almost 5 minutes long half of all those who watched it on YouTube stuck with it to the end, which is particularly pleasing. The figure is lower on TikTok, but that is true or every TikTok videos, including very short ones.

Yesterday's video on why tax does not fund government spending was even more successful, with more than 11,000 views so far on YouTube, and 24,000 on TikTok. Those watching it to the end were high in both cases, but it was shorter.

Combine these videos and their views exceeded 47,000.

What is more, we know from the data that we can get from YouTube that most of these views did not come from people who had read this blog before watching the videos.

Over those same two days there was blog traffic of 35,000 views, by no means entirely related to the posts from where the videos were linked. In other words, whilst there was overlap in these figures, it was not that big.

The important point is that by adding the video outlets, the issues that I want to discuss reached many thousands of people who might never have visited this blog. This considerably increases the impact of the work that I am undertaking, making more people aware of these issues.

Of course, that traffic might now fall back again. These figures were above average for us on YouTube where average views per video over the last month have been approximately 4,200 each.  That said, so soon after revitalising the YouTube channel and launching a TikTok presence, these are encouraging figures suggesting this effort is worthwhile, and we have every intention of continuing with it.

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